Feldenkrais Method

  • The Feldenkrais method was developed by Moshe Feldenkrais to help people develop their body and mind.
  • Feldenkrais helps people move smoothly and without pain.
  • Ruth offers Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement(TM) classes (see front page) which are group classes, as well as individual one-on-one Functional Integration classes either online or in person. During Functional Integration, the teacher guides an individual student in movement lessons using gentle, non-invasive touch as the primary means of communication. Contact: knillruth00@gmail.com.

Here is a Playlist about Feldenkrais.


  • Ruth enjoyed her first yoga classes in 1997, but it was through later Iyengar-inspired training that Ruth discovered the power of awareness to transform the body and awaken its intelligence. Moving beyond mere emulation of teachers or others, yoga became the cultivation of deep attention and sensitivity to the details of bodily balance and alignment. Ruth began life-changing studies with Austin-based yoga teacher Bekir Algan, which inspired her to alter her path in life and begin a training in Traditional Chinese Medicine. A licensed acupuncturist in private practice since 2003, Ruth is a certified yoga teacher whom the light of yoga continues to guide, with awareness as her refuge.
  • Ruth offers group yoga classes. (see front page), as well as individual one-on-one classes either online or in person. Contact: knillruth00@gmail.com.

Here is a Playlist about yoga.

Ruth Knill, Arlington Acupuncture Wellness, 390 Massachusetts Av., Arlington, MA 02474, © 2022